Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy 2004!

Last weekend we celebrated New Year here in Ethiopia.  It felt very different being that it was not the typical holiday season that I’m used to being in when New Year’s is celebrated.  The Ethiopian Calendar is quite a bit different from ours.  There are twelve equal months of 30 days each and then a thirteenth month with five or six days (depending if it is a leap year or not).  On our September 12, 2011 - the Ethiopian calendar year of 2004 began.

In addition to the New Year’s festivities on that long weekend, I also spent some time over the weekend visiting some local churches.  On Saturday, Bridget and I visited Medhane Alem. This Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Church is the largest church in Africa and is only a couple of blocks from the house where I'm staying - although this was the first time I'd gone inside the gates of the complex.

For additional pictures click here.

On Sunday we went on a group excursion to Mount Entoto.  The other two PULSE volunteers in Ethiopia (Richard and Delphine), who are located in the village, joined us in Addis for the holiday weekend.  Mount Entoto is the highest peak overlooking the city of Addis Ababa - at about 10,500 feet – and there we visited several churches and the previous Emperor’s palace.

A group shot of the Ethiopia PULSE volunteers, along with our favorite Addis taxi driver, outside one of the churches

For additional pictures click here.

Sign at the office

I really enjoyed the New Year’s decorations out and about in our neighborhood that were visible by both day and night!

We spent New Year’s Eve out at a couple of traditional cultural centers and one “international” club.  There was, similar to home, lots of food and drink, and music and dancing. 

One of the special dances at the cultural center that evening with fire and even sparklers at one point too

We were able to spend New Year’s Day with a couple of co-workers at their homes and enjoy some traditional foods and, of course!, coffee ceremonies. 

Trying my hand at the coffee ceremony

Letting the pro (Birkti, a coworker here) take over

A spread of traditional foods for lunch

Another co-worker, Hiwot, and a lovely spread of sweets and snacks for the afternoon

For additional pictures click here.

It was a nice long weekend and definitely a new experience here.  Also, it was quite exciting as this may be the only year that I will get to celebrate two New Years in less than a year’s time!

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